The importance of golf club fitting online.

 Have you ever experienced a custom golf club or golf club fitting online? All of you have to fail or can’t get perfect answers to this question, so in this article, we’ll let you know the real difference in a performance by the custom golf club. 


The golf clubs displayed at golf shops are built to standardized specifications. Every golfer has a different body language, shape and the shape of their gold swing, so a custom golf fitting is necessary to play well and which is suited to individual heights, strength and swing characteristics. If the customers don’t fit those specs, the equipment won’t fit the customers. Without proper club fit, no golfer can play well and on top of that, the adjustments a golfer makes in his/her game to compensate for an ill-fitting set can make grooving a great swing that much more difficult. It’s necessary for golfers to receive a custom club fitting, from a trained and experienced club fitter, before making a golf club investment. Fittings should be done properly for every golf club bag, the most common fittings are done with drivers and irons, but most recently the importance of fitting wedges and even putters has become popular. 


Club fitting doesn’t have to be a time-consuming or expensive undertaking. A very basic club fitting takes 15 minutes, with the average being 30-45 minutes. The more in-depth fitting can also take half-day but is not necessary for the very best players. A good professional fitter will test the following variable during a custom fitting session i.e lie angle, Shaft flex, golf club head design, shaft length, grip size, shaft type, and set make-up. Here is some brief knowledge of this variable. 


Lie Angle

This is the angle formed by the shaft and sole of the club. Having a right lie angle will cause the centre of the clubhead to touch the ground. If the clubhead is raised, a hooking shot may result. The heel should be raised, a push or slice may result. 


Shaft Flex

The shaft flex impacts things such as accuracy, distance, consistency, and trajectory. During the golf swing, the club flexes throughout until squarely meeting the ball at impact. An incorrect shaft flex significantly reduces the chance of making consistently solid contact. 


Golf Clubhead Design

This factor has become a big consideration, particularly with higher handicappers. When shots are hit outside the sweet spot, a high moment of inertia reduce twisting at impact, delivering shots closer to the target area. 


Shaft Length

Shaft length will impact where on the clubface the ball is consistently struck. The shaft length will prevent a golfer from having to alter a natural swing arc in order to make an optimal impact.


Shaft Types

The composition of steel and graphite shafts their bend swing weights and torque ratings are considerations. 


Grip Size

The grip size can impact the golfer’s ability to return the clubface to a square position and release the wrists through impact. With a variety of grip compositions, personal preference is determining factor.


Set Make-Up 

The new hybrid clubs have given golfers a wider range of choices in the clubs they carry in their bag, their set make-up. Numerous lofts and designs in woods, irons, wedges, and hybrids make the need for professional custom club fitting more important. Due to the interrelatedness and number of variables, it’s difficult if not impossible for anyone aside from a professional to conduct proper club fitting.


After a custom club fitting, golfers will feel confident that they have made a good decision on their investment. The added confidence will enhance performance almost as much as the custom fitting itself. 


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